Ministries >> Presbyterian Women

At First Presbyterian, the Presbyterian Women are a vital part of our church. Their history dates back to 1889. Even in those early years, much of the growth of the church was due to their efforts through bake sales, bazaars, ice cream suppers, and cookbook sales. Throughout the years, they have continued to support many projects, such as renovations, foreign and local missions, family night suppers, and church receptions.

What does the PW Council do?

  • Meet on the first Monday of the Month

  • Plan Events

  • Give signs & gifts for new babies

  • Visit and give gift cards for sick members

  • Plan and provide funeral meals

  • Sends memorials when a current or life PW member passes away.

  • Provide food for the Singing Christmas

  • Participate on Kirkin Committee

  • Plan Noon Circle

  • Serve Sack Lunches for Cancer Patients

Funeral Services

When a church member passes, PW will host a meal in the church parlor or at home for their family. Those who have marked on their time and talent may be contacted to help provide sides, desserts and paper goods.

Honorary Life Member

Each year PW Council honors a member of PW for her faithful and dedicated service to the church.

Indywood Visits

The council and PW members visit Indywood to visit residents and enjoy music and treats.

Noon Circle

Hosted on the second Monday of the Month, women get together for lunch and listen to a speaker. Members sign up for lunch and participants pay $5 toward the cost.

Cancer Bags

PW serves sack lunches to cancer patients receiving chemo at the Cancer Center every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month.

Monthly Missions

Donations are sent to the mission each month.

  • September - Food Pantry

  • October - Delta Cotton Belles

  • November - You Matter Ministry

  • December - Christmas Gifts for families in need

  • January - Museum of the Mississippi Delta

  • February - Humane Society

  • March - Art Place

  • April - First Presbyterian Kindergarten

A Brief History

In 1976, the congregation elected Mildred Standford Long as the first woman elder and Mildred Williams was the first woman elected deacon the following year. Women continue to serve as church officers. Mary Nell McIntyre was the first woman from Mississippi elected by the General Assembly in 1957 to serve on the Board of Women's Work and later was elected Chairman of the Board.

Today's Presbyterian Women group is composed of four circles that meet regularly through the month and they join together for a monthly Council Meeting. There are other gatherings, such as a Community Study Day, Birthday Luncheons, and Lenten Luncheons. New officers are elected annually.

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, the Presbyterian Women commit themselves:

  • To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study.

  • To support the mission of the church worldwide.

  • To work for justice and peace.

  • To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens ECO and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.